I had to study Biology for a year when doing my degree, this was because I had to make up the credits for my Honours, no other reason – at the time.
Turns out I developed an unhealthy interest in Genes, mostly due to reading the likes of Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, Blind watchmaker etc, (the bloke knows his stuff & turns what could be terminally boring into terminally beguiling.)
Anyway, I always relate human behaviour to being controlled by the Genes and how the genes look after us (well, sometimes) as they tell the body when something is going wrong with it when our emotions tell us “ignore that, it’ll go away”
I say this because I’ve noticed that a few years ago I developed a dodgy back and found bending over to put my socks/shoes on a bit difficult, now my body has adapted and my stomach gets in the way of me bending over saving me the tweaking my back, how about that! clever genes eh!
On this subject, the diet I started last year has paid dividends and with all the healthy eating I've been doing I’ve put on about 4” around the waist (well it feels like it), It’s fast catching up with my chest size thus, soon I will only have to remember one size when buying clothes, useful when your brain cell is losing the plot and you keep forgetting things, once again, evidence of the genes making sure all is balanced in life.
More about the bike later, it has also evolved with new bits added to it.