As none of us had any idea what the site was like I elected to take the Caravan to use as a 'club house'
(This is an old photo as despite having taken 2 cameras AND a DV camera, I failed to get any photos?!)
The thinking behind the camping trip was to allow the RBRers who might have to come from a long distance away the opportunity to meet up for the week end, not having to rush about to get back home and hand in their photos for adjudication on the Sunday (Dave the Disorganiser and his family, have 2 week-ends when they welcome the participants of the RBR to come and have their photos checked and points/scores issued)
This is always a popular event and an get a bit crowded.
On the Friday Steve and I set up the caravan and had a practice BBQ with Jacki & Phil, Paul was there in his camper van but got carried away uber-relaxing!
We were denied the pleasure of Highwaylasses ('s) presence by her work commitments :-(
Saturday saw Teresa, Mick and Hanna appear and a few day trippers including the British Biking God 'The Grim Rider' and Jerry who stayed at the YHA which is on site..... with a bar...... and a restaurant..... and is brand new...... and had I known it was there I would have stayed in it as well!
The BBQ sort of went on a bit, plenty of smoke (caravan still smells like a transport cafe) and we got to see/hear Graham and his brother Barry in full bickering mode, (this had to be the highlight of the week-end) and it started to rain as soon as their bikes started to go home.
I think it was a successful week-end and the weather was perfect (apart from the bit of rain that we had booked for Graham)