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An (Occasionally) Enthusiastic Bike rider with a penchant for geological stuff, having a good time and utilising my pessimism to it full capacity!

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Despite the credit crunch....

...I decided to buy some polish stuff for the bike!
Highly recommended by a friend I invested my funds in the Macquires polish system to try and clean up the image of my Bike.
The paintwork on the Honda pan 1300 is rubbish after only 23000 miles and 18 months it is heavily oxidised and covered in micro-scratches (something that never happened on my Triumph Trophy 1200 despite some serious abuse!)
So I set about the bike with aforementioned polish kit and after 2 days of scrubbing, rubbing, cursing, sweating, and swearing the finished result was a revelation! finally the bike looked 1/2 decent, in fact, the best it ever has (including when it was in the showroom?!).
So pleased was I with this result, I stuck 'her indoors' on the back of the bike hopped on myself and launched us off to Skins cafe to show off my shiny bike.
At this point things started to go downhill, Nice sunny day = big, well fed Bugs which now adorn the front of the bike thus detracting from the nice shiny effect, then we get to the Cafe and She develops the need for new Motorbike boots so I retaliate by adding a back protector for my new jacket and some gloves, resulting in the passage of 200 of my English £'s back into the local economy!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

I like Duffy, (so should you!!)

Anyone who remembers the 60's, Northern soul, Dusty Springfield and similar should listen to this artist, AND she's no primadonna like most 'stars'
Very refreshing music!

Monday, 15 September 2008

Back from the "Brighton Burn-up"

(You'd have thought someone would have come up with a more apt nomenclature for this 'do' by now?!)

However, I digress.

Truly the good Gods conspired to produce some decent weather, excellent country and scenery on the trip down and, what a spectacle when we arrived in Brighton!

All sorts of Bikes from Mopeds to the (very) obvious 'Boss Hoss'
There were Bikes that would never see the day when so much as a pint of petrol would leave the tank they were so 'bulled-up'
Others that had obviously had a lot
of cash spent on them,
and were dearly
(in more ways than one) loved
by their owners
Some who were there for the ride (Me)

(My bike being ignored by all & sundry)

Some bikes that just shouldn't be allowed out on the road and some that sparked emotional thought processes such as 'How the F#@k did that make it here in one bit? '

Entertainment provided in the form of the stunt riders and an 'MC' that no-one could figure out from which of his orifices the noises were coming from?!

Loads of Scooters, and people dressed for the various decades in a surprisingly and refreshingly completely non-threatening atmosphere.

Brilliant An excellent day had by all (other than the 3 scooters that rather embarrassingly (for the rider) and amusingly (for the onlookers) overheated and packed up in the que to leave, he he!)

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Brighton News and Events in and around the area

Isn't it frustrating.....

.... when you cant play with some thing new you've bought yourself!
I've yet to go out and parade my nice new riding ensemble I got me for my Birthday! This is due to work commitments and not the weather as I need to get out in the rain to see if the kit is waterproof.
I did do a small trip out overnight last week-end and had to drive home in some serious Fog, no joke on the A1 when I was doing no faster than 40mph (Visor fogging on the outside as well as Fog = bugger all visibility!) and all around me were obviously unaffected by 50mtr visibility!?
So I didn't get to find out if the 'keep you warm/cool liner' worked or how waterproof it is.

Now then! this week-end see's the Brighton Burn-up taking place and all being well I'm going down there with Steve, this will be an all day event so it's bound to rain at some stage, and I get to try out my Kit.