Steve came up from the deep South and we launched ourselves up to the NEC via Jacks Hill Cafe on the A5 near Towcester (strangely the bike can't seem to get past this without turning into the car-park, and throwing me off into the cafe in the process) We topped up the Cholesterol here and continued on our way.
I noticed, after travelling the first 30 miles and my fingers had started explaining the definition of frost-bite to my already frozen-from-birth brain, that the air temperature gauge was registering 3 degrees C.
My nice new Halversson's ensemble was keeping me quite warm - but my gloves were failing me around the fingertip area - and the rain had failed miserably to penetrate anywhere - Result!!
Having got to the NEC we parked the bikes -indoors- and I discovered that the NEC coms system didn't get on overly well with my alarm! It took ages to get the thing to set correctly and would only work when the Transmitter/receivers were in use and thus ignoring my alarm system?!
The show was better this year -in my opinion- than last year, my only disapointment was on the Triumph stand,
Don't sully the name and looks of a design classic by comparing it with yet another Harley clone! leave that to Honda et al
Once over this, we met up with Teresa, Mick & Hanna for coffee and pasties in the highly priced Cafe in the NEC (opps, sorry I forget to insert 'corruptivly' between the 'highly' & 'priced')
AND, (here's a good thing that you all need to do!)
we joined the Royal British Legion Riders Branch they get up to all sort's of ride-outs and trips, displays visits etc. they also are looking to do a record breaking sort of 'iron butt' trip of 1000 miles in 24 hrs with over 200 riders, this could be fun! all for £17 a year! (This also covers the RBL memebrship fee)
Click on the link and find out more.
My newly insert wing mirror mounted LEDs
Oh yeah, Have a look at this website I'm putting together it's all about the '7 Points' trip some of us Round Britain Ralliers did in May 2008
you may like to have ago yourself!!